The Battle for Grain. Autarky, land reclamation and new towns.
01 marzo 2014 - 30 ottobre 2014
The exhibition presented an exceptional gallery of original documents, posters, pamphlets, illustrated books, postcards, sculptures and paintings describing the economic, social and cultural framework of Italy in the 1930s and the media campaign with which the Fascist regime accompanied its programme of political and agrarian reform, known as the “Battle for Grain”.
The exhibition was curated by Roberta Sciarretta (Tor Vergata University) on behalf of the Novecento Association of Latina.
See also: La battaglia del grano. Autarchia, bonifiche, città nuove, a cura di Roberta Sciarretta. Latina, Novecento, 2014 (295 pp.) – go to »
Download flyer: La battaglia del grano. Autarchia, bonifiche, città nuove