Russia in the Age of Stalin in the photography of Emmanuil Evzerichin
18 aprile 2015 - 04 ottobre 2015
Emmanuil Evzerichin was one of the leading Soviet documentary photographers of the ’30s and ’40s, a witness of the most important official events and of many of the most important episodes of the war, including the defence of Stalingrad, as well as everyday life in Russia at the time, especially in Moscow, where he moved at a very young age to work for the TASS agency. The exhibition was a new international event, as the 70 photographs displayed at Torviscosa were virtually unknown outside Russia.
The exhibition, organised by the Municipality of Torviscosa, was curated by the FotoSoyuz Agency in Russia, in particular by Valerij Stigneev, who also wrote the introduction to the catalogue, and by Natalija Ratnikova Evzerichina.
All photos are by © Emmanuel Evzerikhin_FotoSoyuz (Moscow)
See also: La Russia ai tempi di Stalin nelle fotografie di Emmanuil Evzerichin, a cura di Valerij Stigneev. Comune di Torviscosa, 2015 (83 pp. Volume in italiano, russo, inglese, tedesco) – go to »
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